What are your favorite inspirational talks by an entrepreneur? For me, in the early 2000’s it was the famous Steve Jobs speech at Stanford. And my quick takeaways were, to have passion, find what you love, and don’t quit! I LOVED THAT TALK! I saw it 100s and 1000s of times. And that was pretty good advice. I am sure that talk got a LOT of aspiring founders to take the plunge of starting something cool and something that they loved!
But what happens after you start something and now need to actually take it to scale? Raise money and when I reached this phase of my founder life in silicon valley in 2018, I really wanted talks about this! The rejections from investors, what does it even mean, how to move on and how each time you are rejected as a founder it can almost feel like a knife through a founder’s heart! So here is my TED talk on this matter. Haha…
Thank god I was rejected by investors!