Daily Finds: May 16th to May 20th, 2022
This week I found these 5 cool resources for you:
Audio Article: How solitude is the quality of leaders.
Forget confidence, the ability to speak really well, or being a multitasker, according to this article by American scholars, solitude is actually a great attribute of good leadership. Let's break it down. According to this article by the American Scholar, thinking means concentrating on one thing long enough to develop an idea about it. And that can be only done when you're by yourself, not being biased by the social media that you're consuming or the news or the books that you're reading. The article then goes into the three types of solitude that you can practice: it could be introspection, thinking and sitting with your thoughts, understanding them, and the second could be just doing focused work without distractions. And the third is friendship, not sitting in a group, but rather having a meaningful relationship with one person and talking to them. Go and listen to it today.
Tweet: Best music NFT projects.
Wondering if NFTs are just pretty pictures? Let's dive into two new use cases that are taking the industry NFT industry by storm this year. So go to this tweet above that was tweeted a couple of months ago but you will find the latest new rage in NFT industry which is NFT music. Go and check it out & start following these accounts to learn more about them. We'll dive into why what & how of what it even means in some of my later videos. The second one is gaming assets. Those are the next big rage that is heading towards the NFT industry that you do not want to miss out on.
Book: 19 meditations for joy by Daniel Odier.
Have you ever found it difficult to meditate or to be a little more mindful? Start with this book, The 19 meditations for authentic living, the doors of joy by Daniel Odier. Here is a paragraph from it:
Let us reserve our minds for all the marvelous things it can do. And let us provide it moments when it can rest forcing it to work nonstop for 16 hours a day. Our mind really deserves time off a large part of the stress and tiredness that limits us stems from the constant and incessant discourse that keeps us buzzing day and night. The whole body can relax when there is silence.
Podcast: Introspection ritual by Marjolaine Savoie
Have you ever struggled to begin the process of introspection to understand things & see what you're going through? I have a resource for you to start in the easiest way. Go and listen to this episode of ‘her morning meditation with Marjolaine’ where she takes you through this ritual, in this very soothing voice around introspection about just sitting by yourself and thinking more mindfully. It is an old episode, but honestly, anytime there has been a shift in my life, I go back to this episode and listen, in fact, go and subscribe to this meditation podcast for sure and listen to it every day. And I am sure it's going to make a change in your daily life, make it more mindful and more powerful.
Have you ever felt that you have very different energy and working style as compared to everyone else? Well, your human design might be able to answer a few questions for you. So recently I got into human design. Apparently, it is this new way of understanding how your body functions, what type of energy you have, when are you most active, what kind of work you should be doing, and essentially trying to break down how your body is coded. Now, authenticity and accuracy are up for question but go use this link above and figure out what your chart is. I am a five one projector. Tell me what profile you are and what you think about my human design.
That’s all for this week friends! I will see you next week with another dose of daily finds. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram or TikTok where I share daily finds every day.